Kristi Casey
\n\n","recentPosts":[{"id":8466250,"title":"Shed your empty rituals and routines","slug":"shed-your-empty-rituals-and-routines","status":"published","readingTime":3,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-18T12:00:13.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-18T12:00:13.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-18T12:00:13.000Z","timeAgo":"3 days","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"A mural depicts a child challenging borders.","path":"posts/shed-your-empty-rituals-and-routines","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Hey Reader! When I was younger and far more pretentious, I believed that time alone in a wooded cabin was all I’d need to blossom into the artist I was fated to become. In those days, I did a lot of theater and sports, and I formed superstitions around both. After all, I was convinced what I ate, wore and did affected my performance. So I kept careful watch over my actions and blamed mistakes on missing some cue or another. Each time, I redoubled my faith in empty ritual. And stayed stuck....","campaignId":18738670,"publicationId":15296330,"metaDescription":""},{"id":8402565,"title":"Joy is an act of resistance","slug":"joy-is-an-act-of-resistance","status":"published","readingTime":2,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-11T19:35:35.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-11T19:35:35.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-11T19:35:35.000Z","timeAgo":"9 days","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"joy is an act of resistance","path":"posts/joy-is-an-act-of-resistance","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Hey Reader! One of my favorite T-shirts proclaims, \"Joy Is an Act of Resistance.\" If you remember your time in elementary school, you've seen how this works: Teacher tries to shut someone down. The suppressed kid acts up behind the teacher's back. Class erupts in laughter. Teacher struggles to regain control. The stricter the teacher, the more joy we felt in rebelling, and the more humiliating the experience seemed to them. Why is this? Control is an illusion We can't control what other...","campaignId":18646831,"publicationId":15203963,"metaDescription":"When you face oppression, remember: Joy is an act of resistance"},{"id":8332155,"title":"What's your stance on silence?","slug":"what-s-your-stance-on-silence","status":"published","readingTime":3,"campaignCompletedAt":"2025-03-05T03:46:27.000Z","publishedAt":"2025-03-05T03:46:27.000Z","orderByDate":"2025-03-05T03:46:27.000Z","timeAgo":"16 days","thumbnailUrl":"","thumbnailAlt":"Protesters rally with american flags and signs.","path":"posts/what-s-your-stance-on-silence","url":"","isPaid":null,"introContent":"Hey Reader! There are many things for which I'm grateful. Being self-employed is one of them. My flexible work schedule means I don't have to beg anyone for time off if I need to take my sick kid to the doctor or spend a morning running errands. For example, I spent today's lunch hour at a flash mob protest. Why protest? I registered as an Independent voter when I was eighteen, and I've never changed that. I've consistently voted for people versus their party alignment. My political...","campaignId":18577414,"publicationId":15134017,"metaDescription":"The worst thing we can do when someone might get hurt is to remain silent. Here's why we need to break our silence and speak about what matters."}],"newsletter":{"formId":2428363,"productId":106383,"productUrl":"","featuredPostId":null,"subscribersOnly":true},"isPaidSubscriber":false,"isSubscriber":false,"originUrl":"","creatorProfileName":"Truly Kristi","creatorProfileId":11448}This post is free to read but only available to subscribers.
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